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Join Sera & Jessica for

Embracing Life to the Full!

A Yearlong Online Journey

A 12 MONTH On-Line Communal Journey through Monthly Video Conference Calls

SUNDAY EVENINGS   7 – 8:30pm   Eastern USA time

Embracing Life to the Full ~ 2019 Dates

Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug 4, Sept 1, Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1

(All calls for Australian and New Zealand times will be Monday mornings. Please convert from Eastern USA time)

A Special Invitation for You

This is a special invitation to you as a previous participant in Camille’s online course, Meditation Secrets for Women.  Each month we will review one Secret via our video conference calls on Zoom. With each Secret, you can access your previously-purchased resources of guided meditations and teleconference calls if you so choose. Continue to deepen your experience with the Secrets as you revisit each one throughout the year!

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Deepen into Your Resources With a Special Group

You will be part of a special group of 10-12 like-minded women who are also diving deeper into their feminine wisdom. The beginning of each month, we will hold our video conference call via Zoom, staying connected via emails and our secret Face Book Group. We will move through the twelve Secrets together through the year, one per month, and share in all that goes along with that amazing journey together!

Meditation Secrets for Women
Camille Maurine & Dr. Lorin Roche, PhD
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Jessica      &        Sera

Your Certified MSW Facilitators

Our Flow

Prior to each call we will send out an email detailing the upcoming Secret. On the group Zoom Call we will address the Secret and each share its relevance in our lives. Recordings of our group call will be sent out soon afterwards.  Around mid-month, we will send another email regarding the month’s Secret and seek feedback for how it may be flowing for you. Also, Sera will set up a secret Facebook Group so our group members can stay connected that way as well on a regular basis.

About Jessica & Sera

Jessica Fleming is a 77-year-old Wise Woman Eldress Grandmother with vast life experience personally, and professionally as a Masters Degree Counsellor/Mentor for 45 years. Born in the USA, lived 26 years in New Zealand, she now resides north of Brisbane, Australia. Jessica is a long time old time Soul Sister of Camille’s. She respectfully listens, holds, and asks transformative questions. Please visit her website for more info

For more info on Sera please see About Sera info on this website

Sign up Now to Claim Your Spot!

We invite you to join us on this Wonder-full Journey with a small group offering individualized attention!  As you well know, this journey through the 12 Secrets addresses every aspect of both our personal and spiritual lives. It is empowering, nurturing, and inspiring ~ aligning us more deeply with our soul’s calling.

It WILL change your life!

Pre-Register Now for Free to Claim Your Spot

Registration Opens Dec 1st!

Pre-Register Now FREE to Claim Your Spot

Formal Registration Begins December 1st ~ Pay In Full by December 10th 

for Early Bird Pricing!

Or set up Monthly Payments via Paypal

(Link to Payment Page will be sent out December 1st)

Payment Information

Early Bird/Pay-in-full Price:

$660.00 (USD) total

paid by December 10th, 2018


Monthly Payments:

$60.00 (USD) per month

by automatic payment

Monthly Payments processed via Paypal


Pre-Register Now for Free!

Link to Payment Page will be sent to you on December 1st, 2018


© 2016 by Sera Crandell. Proudly created with

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